Tag Archives: spanking

The Facts About Spanking (Video, 17 min.)

The shocking science about the long-term effects of corporal punishment, essential viewing for every parent!

From the video sources:

Spanking by parents can significantly damage a child’s mental abilities and results in a lower IQ later in life, suggests a new groundbreaking study by researchers at the University of New Hampshire.  (themoneytimes.com)

Researchers found that harsh physical punishment was associated with increased odds of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, alcohol and drug abuse/dependence, and several personality disorders after adjusting for sociodemographic variables and family dysfunction, and that if harsh physical punishment did not occur, the prevalence of certain mental disorders might have been reduced by ~2% to 7%. (repeal43.org)

Researchers reviewed some 80 research papers on the effects of corporal punishment over the past 20 years and concluded that numerous studies found physical punishment increases the risk of broad and enduring negative developmental outcomes; no study has found that physical punishment enhances developmental health; most child physical abuse occurs in the context of punishment; a professional consensus is emerging that parents should be supported in learning nonviolent, effective approaches to discipline. (repeal43.org)

Children who are spanked as 1-year-olds are more likely to behave aggressively and perform worse on cognitive tests as toddlers than children who are spared the punishment, new research our of Duke University shows. (utexas.edu)