Tag Archives: socialization

Radical Unschooling Teens Discuss: Chores, Piercings & Prom (Video, 16min.)

Dayna Martin interviews unschooled teens, Devin Martin and Rileigh Forslund. The three discuss how some common issues are approached in the Radical Unschooling model. Topics include:

  • Do the teens help out with cleaning even though they have no assigned chores?
  • How did Dayna respond to Devin’s desire to get a piercing? Did he get it as an act of teenage rebellion?
  • Unschooler individuality and acceptance of others
  • Are there cliques in groups of unschoolers?
  • What do the lives of kids in school look like to Devin and Rileigh?

Teens Answer Common Questions About Unschooling (Video, 10 min.)

Dayna Martin interviews unschooled teens, Devin Martin and Rileigh Forslund and discusses common questions about Unschooling. Topics include:

  • How do unschooled children learn to socialize without school? (And what’s wrong with socialization in schools?)
  • Do unschooled kids watch TV and play video games all day? If not, what do they do with their days?
  • How do unschoolers learn traditional academic skills like Reading, Writing, and Math?