Tag Archives: cevin-soling

The War on Kids (Documentary, 95 min.)

A cautionary tale for parents considering enrolling their children in public schools.

(From Wikipedia) The War on Kids is a 2009 documentary film about the American school system. The film takes a look at public school education in America and concludes that schools are not only failing to educate, but are increasingly authoritarian institutions more akin to prisons that are eroding the foundations of American democracy. Students are robbed of basic freedoms primarily due to irrational fears; they are searched, arbitrarily punished and force-fed dangerous pharmaceutical drugs. The educational mission of the public school system has been reduced from one of learning and preparation for adult citizenship to one of control and containment.

You can purchase The War on Kids DVD Online at thewaronkids.com ($20) or stream it online ($9).

You may also be able to find the documentary on YouTube for free.

The documentary was directed by Cevin Soling, an American writer, filmmaker, philosopher, musician, music producer and artist.

Philosopher and full-time parent Stefan Molyneux interviewed Cevin about the documentary. You can view the entire interview here:

Cevin was also interviewed about the documentary on the popular TV show, The Colbert Report.

Cevin Soling interviewed on The Colbert Report

To learn about alternatives to enrolling your child in public school, view other posts in the Education category.